
Most used content management systems

approx. reading time: 5 mins

Most used content management systems:

1. Joomla!


Joomla! is a free open source CMS used for the purpose of publishing information and media files on the Internet, which was founded in 2005.

It is written in PHP and uses the MySQL database (since version 2.5 it is also possible to use PostreSQL, Oracle and SQLite databases). The name Joomla (pronounced like jumla) translates to „in whole“.

It contains all the functionality that a regular user and webmaster might need when creating their own website. It supports caching, page indexing, blogs, discussion forums, polls, calendar, search and many other functionalities. There are also a large number of templates that a user can download and apply to the site. These templates are written in HTML markup language and customized with CSS and can be modified later to your liking. Currently, Joomla is available as JoomlaCMS and as a web development platform called Joomla Platform, which is basically a PHP framework that gives developers the ability to create standalone applications that can run on desktops, tablets and smartphones.

2. Drupal


Drupal is an open source CMS that allows the creation and management of content for websites, web magazines, blogs and e-shops, founded in 2001 by Belgian programmer Dries Buytaert.

It is written in PHP and uses MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. The name Drupal is derived from the Dutch word dorp, which translates to „village“.

This content management system works on the basis of a modular system. This means that you choose a suitable modular solution for managing and creating a blog, e-shop or company website, which you then put together like a kit. The individual modules can be easily installed and, if necessary, easily uninstalled in the content management system. As with Joomla!, there is a huge range of add-ons (add-on modules) available for Drupal, which now numbers just over 18,000. Drupal has gathered a lot of loyal fans and tech enthusiasts in its more than 20-year history, and it is constantly evolving.

3. WordPress


WordPress is an open source CMS that allows the creation and management of content for websites, blogs and e-shops without the need for extensive programming knowledge, co-founded in 2003 by American entrepreneur and developer Matt Mullenweg.

WordPress was originally created as a blogging platform and has evolved over time.

The great advantage of WordPress is the rich documentation describing all the elements in the already basic core, which allows for quick and efficient expansion of functionality with new add-on modules. A myriad of additional plugins and graphic templates are available for download (for free or for a fee), allowing you to find a design that can then be modified to your liking. Thanks to its flexibility, WordPress is not only the most popular but also the fastest growing CMS in the world, according to the W3Techs website. For this reason, I have dedicated my own website development to the WordPress CMS as well.


Logo Joomla CMS.


year of foundation: 2005

Number of pages: 2.5 million

Number of available add-ons: approx. 15 thousand

Logo Drupal CMS.


year of foundation: 2001

number of pages: 1 million

number of available add-ons: approx. 18 thousand

Logo WordPress CMS.


year of foundation: 2003

number of pages: 455 mil.

number of available add-ons: approx. 21 thousand